In my last post we had just changed the plug on the Commodore branded De Luxe and had quite a light show. Well being optimistic people (stop laughing) we decided to try to change the plug to a more heavy duty one in hopes that this would solve the issue of the sparks. Last week we picked up another plug, this time a vacuum cleaner replacement plug and gave it a shot. Before we plugged in Sparky (now aptly named) we grabbed a spare surge protector just in case we had to shut it down quickly without becoming fried ourselves. When we tried it this time the light lit up just like before and worked perfectly! So then I made the hubby try the pedal. Yup, nothing, that's right no sparks, no TV no cable box, no light, just that noise that you hear when the breaker trips and everything shuts off. Yup, no sparks just dead quiet.
So deciding that we would check out the motor to see if there was some sort of easy fix, both of us being mechanically inclined I started taking the motor off the sewing machine and can you guess what I found?
Yup that's right our culprit, or so we reasoned. Perhaps its an easy fix, so we opened the case and started taking the motor out. Easier said then done there is another wire inside that goes to one of the brushes that is fried too. So now its the debate of fix it now or replace it and fix it later.
On a positive note, the other night our beautiful calico suddenly noticed there was another cat staring at her, a cat trapped inside of the Commodore, that's right the machine is that shiny...